JCX Filtration Systems
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Packaged Separator Systems For Industrial Cooling Towers
Designed to remove solids efficiently from industrial cooling water. LAKOS Tank Sweeping Eductors are also used in conjunction with a JCX System to prevent the solids from settling in a sump and keep them recirculating so they can be removed by the filtration system.
Exclusive internal acceleration creates maximumperformance to achieve maximum protection offluid handling systems from unwanted solids (seeillustration inside for details). Its advanced &patented design, building upon the performance LAKOS is known for, now also removes 50% moreof the finer solids (< 40 microns), resulting inhigher aggregate solids removal. Independentlytested. Proven superior for today’s demandingfiltration requirements. For settlable solids only.

A packaged centrifugal separator filtration system utilizing an accessible JPX Series separator plus
- A centrifugal pump
- Premium efficiency motor
- Basket strainer
- Either a zero liquid loss Solids Recovery Vessel (SRV) or an Automatic Ball Valve (ABV) solids purge system
- Control system mounted in a NEMA 4X, UL listed control box
- All packaged on a unitized skid mounting system.
- Flow Range: 100-1200 US GPM (23 – 273 m3/hr)
- Trouble-free operation & advanced purging/solids-handling concepts keep fluids clean and concentrate separated solids
- No screens or filter elements to clean or replace; no messy servicing routines
- No backwashing; zero fluid loss options
- Low & steady pressure loss
- Choice of profiles to accommodate space/piping limitations
- Swirlex internal accelerating slots for optimum solids-removal performance; patented
- Vortube for enhanced solids separation/collection; patented
- Grooved inlet/outlet connections for easy installation; optional flanged connections also available
- In-line inlet/outlet configuration for simplified piping (low-profile models only)
- Unishell construction for easy installation
- Optional material construction & ASME code
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