PRX Complete Filtration Solution
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PRX Complete Filtration Solution
PREP Systems: For a total filtration solution
When a complete filtration solution is your goal, a LAKOS PREP System is the answer.A total solution requires more than just getting the solids out of your process. Addressing the tough demands of the process industries, theLAKOS PREP System is designed and engineered to give a total solution – enabling you to get thesolids out of your fluid, out of the separator and out of your facility.

Featuring the centrifugal-action performance of the LAKOS Separator, the fully engineered PREPSystem offers your choice of purging and solids-handling options along with complete electrical controls, all mounted on a modular support stand.
- Fully-accessible LAKOS Separator
Industrial-quality JPX-Series Separators with patented Vortube and Swirlex slots.Weld-on flanges and ASME code constructionoptions available. Separators included in a PREP system have an extended, 10-year warranty. - Choice of inlet profile
Specify up, down or either side to accommodatedesired installation piping scheme. - Automatic purging options
Pneumatic pinch valve or the patented LAKOSPurge Liquid Concentrator. - Solids-handling options
Drum shroud decant system or rollaway solids collection hopper offer convenient options for handling purged solids. - Engineered support stands
Modular for easier and more affordableshipping; two styles to match separator size.Carbon steel. - Value-added accessories
Included with all PREP Systems: Inlet and outlets pools with couplings; inlet and outlet pressure gauges with petcock valves; full-port manualisolation valve.
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